Transform Your Response To Tantrums

  • Master the A.W.E. Method to diffuse your child's outbursts.
  • Become a wiz at identifying tantrum triggers so you know how to prevent meltdowns.
  • Learn to use your own behavior as a blueprint to teach your child about their big feelings.

Meet Bryana

Bryana "Kappa" Kappadakunnel, is dedicated to improving the health, warmth, and joy in the child-parent relationship.

She has a special interest in how trauma impacts our attachment to our children, and how to utilize mindfulness, reflectiveness, and intuition to overcome barriers in our parenting experiences.

She also specializes in treating postpartum mood and anxiety disorders. She is the proud mother of Matteo and happy wife of Matt.

Her passion for teaching and supporting moms in connecting on a deep authentic level is what inspired her to launch her own center.

She is the owner and director of South Bay Mommy and Me, is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT90464). She is endorsed as an Infant-Family Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist, specializing in the care and support of infants, toddlers, and their families.

Easily Applied to Daily Life
"The course is a wonderful way to understand why tantrums happen and real-life scenarios to help contain tantrum releases faster. it's been wonderful to put he lessons learned to practice with my little ones."

Methods Backed by Science

"The Toddler Tantrum Toolkit is a breath of relief for any parent! With empathy for other parent and kiddo, this course offers scientific information on brain and behavioral development, practical steps, and sample phrases to diffuse tantrums calmly and compassionately. It's clear, concise, easy to implement format makes it doable for busy parents who need help asap!"

Can Finally Hold The Boundary

"It was a quick transition into tantrums and lot of big emotions in my house. Old methods like spanking and sharing or ignoring, didn't feel right to me. I didn't' know what to do though. Enter the Toddler Tantrum Toolkit. Now I have a methods that help me hold necessary boundaries while acknowledging my son's needs, preserves my own sense of calm, and allows us to engage with each other and deepen our relationship"